
Showing posts from January, 2021

Episode 13 - the Cat Who Knew a Cardinal

Qwill gets his first big role as drama critic for the Theatre Club's production of Henry VIII - the production is great, but the director's a mysterious pill and soon he's found murdered in Qwill's orchard!  Despite some horsey distractions from Lockmaster, Qwill sets out to discover who killed Pickaxe's mystery man. Listen to the Podcast here: Oh this book - it's probably one of my favorites if the condition of my original copy is anything to go by (it's falling apart). Between the grandeur of the theatre, the horse racing, and the splendor of the octagonal apply barn, it's just a fun read. The mystery is a little secondary to the world of Moose County, and I am a little sad that we don't learn more about Van Brook's seedy side. Polly - she’s attempting to convert Qwill to Birdwatching...He buys a bird guide because it’s vintage with 200 color plates and only a dollar.  I don’t think she’s winning this one.